
27 Easy iPhone Tips And Tricks To Make Your Experience Better.

Though many people think that iPhones are only for smart people who can’t be bothered to do anything else, it’s the most widely used device all over the world. These days we’re more connected than ever and if you haven’t upgraded yet then now may be your chance!

Here we are going over 27 iPhone tips today to make your experience with iPhone much better.

1. Reaching Latest iOS

Are you excited about the newest iOS update? If so, there’s a great service built-in that allows communication between older and newer models of iPhones from almost anywhere! If you have an iPhone 4s or later, simply navigate to Settings > General > About and tap on “Version”.

You’ll see a notification that says “iOS Version” under this, which means everything is functioning properly. This makes it incredibly easy for everyone with an iPhone to talk to each other no matter how old their model might be!

iPhone Wallpaper

2. Flashlight

Everyone needs to have a flashlight on their phone, but if you’re annoyed by having to unlock your device every time you need one, you’re in luck! Simply hold down the lock button until the “slide for power off” slider appears.

Press firmly on it and an option to open your camera with the flash on will appear! This makes it incredibly easy to access your flashlight no matter how many times it’s turned off!

3. Emergency Contact

If you ever find yourself in trouble or simply can’t answer when someone calls, create an emergency contact so they know who to turn to. To do this, tap on “Settings > Medical ID” after creating your passcode.

You’ll be prompted to fill out an emergency card listing all your medical information, allergies, blood type, and other important facts. If you ever need help figuring the passcode for this screen, be sure to check “Emergency SOS” under Settings > General > Accessibility.

iPhone apps

4. Control Music

If you’re listening to music or podcasts on your phone and want to quickly pause it, don’t bother closing the app! Simply swipe up from the bottom of your device while browsing around for other options until a shortcut to pause appears! This is incredibly convenient if you quickly need to stop for any reason.

5. Continuity

Using an iPhone allows for easy compatibility with other devices running 8.3 or later through the “Continuity” feature! This allows users to easily transfer songs, photos, videos, documents, and more between devices. To activate this option, navigate to Settings > General > About and look for the “Continuity” section.

Tick the box next to “Allow Handoff between this iPhone and other iOS devices.” This will allow you to stop what you’re doing on one device and continue it seamlessly on another!

6. Always On

Apple has made its always-on display function easy enough where anyone can use it! All you need is an iPhone 5s or newer if your phone isn’t already running iOS 10 (Settings > Display & Brightness). From there, simply head over to Settings > General > Accessibility > Increase Contrast.

iPhone display

Tick the box next to “Reduce Transparency” and you’ll see a big difference! This function is incredibly easy to maintain, so even if you have it turned off don’t worry about disabling it every time you restart your device.

7. QR Codes

Ever need to scan a QR code quickly? Swipe up from the bottom of your screen while browsing for any options until a shortcut to open your camera appears. Point your camera at the QR code and wait for it to automatically read what’s inside! If that doesn’t work for some reason, try using another QR code reader app like Quick Scan Pro.

8. Third-Party Keyboards

If you’re tired of the keyboard Apple currently has to offer, you’re in luck! Virtually any third-party keyboard you download will automatically work with all apps that support custom keyboards.

To enable this, head over to “Settings > General > Keyboard” and tick the box next to “Allow Full Access”. This will allow for a more customized experience as well as enhanced functionality!

9. Storage

Don’t have enough storage on your phone? Most people don’t realize it’s possible to access another device’s full iCloud backup from their iPhone. Simply go through Settings > tap on your name at the top > iCloud > Manage Storage.

iPhone x

From there, select which device you’d like to easily access and a list of every file contained within it will appear! If the free iCloud storage is too little, it’s easy to upgrade by visiting Settings > tap on your name at the top > iCloud and opting for a more expensive plan.

10. Files

Don’t feel like using multiple devices to access different files? Apple has made it incredibly easy to share files between all your devices without having them cluttering up your phone.

Simply go into one of the apps that contain such information (like Pages or Numbers), click “Open In” followed by another service you use regularly (iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, etc.), and select which folder you’d like it pulled from. To avoid having to upload everything individually, download CloudApp so you can quickly send any file directly from your device!

11. Auto-Reply

One of Lifehacker’s favorite iPhone tricks is the ability to automatically reply to anyone who texts you while driving. To activate this, do the following:

Iphone trick

Go into your device settings > tap on “General” at the top > Accessibility > “Driving Mode.” From there, select which contacts are able to create automatic replies (ex: your parents) and decide whether it should be enabled during certain hours. This is a perfect way to avoid texting and driving as well as protect yourself from receiving any illegal content from those who shouldn’t have access behind the wheel.

12. Closing Background Apps

For those times when you want to quickly exit an app that doesn’t have a “close” button, simply double-tap the home button to view all apps currently open. Swipe up on anyone that appears in red (the topmost color) to instantly close it!

13. Notifications

Most of us are used to getting pushed notifications from various sources, but it’s not always easy to tell exactly what they were for unless you click them right away.

A simple iPhone trick can solve this problem by allowing you to easily preview your recent notifications without leaving the app you’re currently using. Simply pull down on the banners at the top of your screen and wait until they disappear! This is also helpful for clearing out old notifications that are no longer relevant or important once you’ve finished with them.

Iphone 12

14. Auto-Reply

Similar to the last tip, you can set your phone up to automatically reply when certain contacts text you while you’re driving. This time, though, instead of creating a custom message for each person, simply go into “Settings > Do Not Disturb” and toggle it on during specific hours.

Don’t want it turning on at night? Change “From” to “During Bedtime Hours.” If you’d like incoming calls and texts (i.e. from family or friends) to be an exception, follow the same process and click “+ Add New Exception,” then select the desired contact!

15. Personalized Wallpapers

Want a personalized look without having to design it yourself? It’s easy to get creative by using personal photographs, screenshots, or even drawings! Simply hold your finger on the screen until it turns into a plus symbol and select “Memo.”

You can then insert any photograph you choose by clicking Insert Photo at the top left. From there, click the share button in the upper right-hand corner (looks like an arrow pointing out of a box) and select “Use as Wallpaper” for an exciting look every time you open your phone!

16. Save Mobile Data

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For anyone who wants to avoid entering passwords using Safari, this tip makes websites easily accessible when data is unavailable. To quickly save certain sites to your home screen when no connection is available, simply add “?no_data=true” to the end of the URL.

17. Limit Ad Tracking

Ever find yourself bombarded by targeted ads that always seem to be based on your recent searches and other browsing habits? Even if it doesn’t bother you too much (or even if you like seeing suggestions for things relevant to what you were just looking at), there’s no reason why companies should get this data permission.

To prevent this from happening, open your phone’s “Settings” and click on “Privacy > Ad Tracking.” Here you can toggle the switch that says “Limit Ad Tracking” off with ease.

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18. Text Shortcuts

This one is great for those who want to save time texting! Instead of typing out common phrases like “how are you?” or “what’s up?”, simply go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Add New Shortcut… Then type in a word and a number (i.e. the name of contact).

Next time you type that word followed by a short space, it will automatically expand into what you have set as the shortcut! This is perfect if there are certain words or sayings that pop up all too frequently in your daily conversations.

19. Use Maps as a GPS

Uber on iphone

This is one of those tricks that most people don’t really think about until they need it, so you may want to bookmark this one now if it’s been a while since taking an old-fashioned paper map out for a spin! Simply go into “Settings > Privacy > Location Services” and toggle on “Maps.”

From there, the next time you’re lost or trying to find a new location, simply open up maps and zoom all the way in until your current location shows up. Once along the correct street, click on “Search Nearby…” and type in whatever you’re looking for; i.e. Gas Station, Coffee Shop, etc. There are endless possibilities that this feature comes in handy for, so keep it up!

20. Translation

Need to translate something quickly? Instead of fumbling through several different apps, simply hold down on any word or phrase for a second until it starts to wiggle. Then tap on the arrow that pops up! You can then select “Define” or “Translate.” This is incredibly helpful if you ever need help learning the proper pronunciation of difficult foreign languages.

21. Automatic Spell Check

If you’re a fan of autocorrect but don’t like the fact that it doesn’t know how to spell very well, navigate to Settings > General > Keyboard and then toggle “Spell Check.” You can use this option to automatically correct commonly misspelled words whenever possible.

22. Emergency SOS

iPhone tricks

If you ever find yourself in an emergency situation where calling 911 might be dangerous or difficult, there’s a great built-in feature for help! Simply hold down on the lock or home button from the side, top, or bottom of your phone until you see the first slider option.

Tap on “Emergency SOS” and enter your passcode if prompted. This will call 911 for you and send them all of your information so they can come to help you as quickly as possible. The 911 operator will also have the option to call your family or friends if you want them notified!

23. Default Keyboard to English

If you find yourself typing messages or emails with an occasional typo, consider changing the default keyboard to the standard English-language keyboard. To do this, go into “Settings > General > Keyboard” and click on “Keyboards.” Once there, select the option labeled English (as well as whichever other languages you want available).

Then, simply go back to Settings and tap on “International Keyboards” at the top of your screen. Finally, under “Add New Keyboard,” you’ll see three dots next to the current keyboards listed – which will include whatever language(s) was just added. Simply click inside “Add New Keyboard” and the standard English keyboard will appear as a third option!

24. Save Space on Your Phone

Linkedin on iPhone

This tip is great for those who have limited space on their phones but still want to be able to send photos via text or email, as well as those who intend on saving some of their favorite images! To do this, go into “Settings > Photos & Camera” and toggle “Save Original Photos.”

If you’d like, you can also make sure that any future screenshots will be saved in high quality by following the same steps. When it comes time to send/save your images, simply tap once on what you’d like to edit (i.e. profile photo) and select the appropriate button.

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25. Easy Screenshot

Taking a screenshot is one of the quickest and most simple tricks on this list, but not many people realize that it can be done in more ways than one! To take a basic screenshot, press the power button and home button at the same time. The screen will flash white for a brief second to confirm that you’ve captured your desired image.

Alternatively, if your phone’s current orientation is in portrait mode instead of landscape, you can press both buttons simultaneously when in an app or web page to capture whatever is currently being viewed. This trick also works well when trying out new apps from the App Store.

Finally, there’s also a third method that requires pressing two physical buttons – volume up and the home button – which will save the screenshot to your photo gallery.

iPhone Tricks To Make Life Easier

26. Flashlight

This is another feature that almost every cell phone has, but most people don’t realize what a lifesaver it can actually be! A simple way to turn on the flashlight is by going into “Settings > General > Accessibility” and selecting “LED Flash for Alarms. Now, whenever you need a little extra light in a pinch, all you have to do is press the home button three times quickly.

This trick not only works as a nice alarm if you’re trying to get up bright and early (make sure that you put it under your bed or something sturdy overnight), but also as an easy way of finding things when they fall between couch cushions or down the side of a car seat.

27. Driving Mode

iOS has included a “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature that will keep your phone from sending you notifications while you’re on the road. This is great for ensuring that you aren’t tempted to read texts, play games, etc. while driving.

To turn this feature on, go into “Settings > Do Not Disturb” and toggle on “Manual.” From there, choose what times you would like to have your phone silenced – i.e. anytime except 9a-5p on weekdays – and click save in the top right corner. Finally, head over to Settings again selects “Notifications” from the menu on the left.

Gray iPhone

Then, scroll down to find “Do Not Disturb” and toggle all of the switches off. Now, whenever you’re driving and a text comes in, your phone will simply make a sound letting you know that someone is trying to contact you without actually notifying you of what they said.

This feature is also great for preventing notifications from popping up during class or any other time where it may be inappropriate!


There are many tips that can help you get the most out of your iPhone. Share these with friends and family so they know what makes it great too!

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